You were in a vehicle accident with another driver who ran a red light. Your injuries kept you in the hospital for two days and your vehicle was declared totaled.
Once you recover from your injuries, you need to get back to work. The insurance company may be taking its time in deciding to pay out on your claim.
As you worry about being able to get around, your insurance company may want to pay you less than you deserve
The police officers responding to the collision you were involved in assigned the blame to the other driver, who was texting as they drove. This may not seem to make any difference to your insurance company as it arrives at a decision.
One afternoon, after you have been dropped off by a co-worker, your insurance company calls you with a claim. You may be confused, knowing that the offer is not worth the value of your car, let alone your medical bills.
Insurance companies look at the causes of car accidents
Your insurance company may look closely at the cause of your accident—this is a requirement so they know who was the victim and who was to blame.
When your insurance company calls you with an offer, do not be surprised if the offer is lower than the true damages you suffered. Learn how you can avoid a lowball offer.
Report your claim as soon as you can
File a claim as soon as you can. This may not be until you have returned home from the hospital. Even though the other driver was found to be at fault, always report the accident to your insurance company.
Your insurance provider may ask you to provide the particulars of the accident and to explain how badly you were injured.